Community Planning & Infrastructure
Dillon is a leader in planning, designing, building, and maintaining community infrastructure. We are innovators in this field and are sought after from coast to coast to coast and abroad. We bring human-centered thinking and design solutions to projects that connect communities and bring spaces to life. With our experience we are able to coordinate and complete complex projects under strict timelines.
Our team pushes the edges of community planning and conventional engineering to incorporate solutions which contribute to a higher degree of environmental sustainability and social benefits to the communities served. We adapt well-established practices and emerging principles, such as Low Impact Development (LID) measures, and leading-edge solutions in both urban redevelopment and “greenfield” applications. We lead by example and recognize that cities are living organisms that require adaptive frameworks and flexible designs to achieve long-term social inclusion, economic prosperity, and environmental resilience.

Key Contact
Rory Pickard
E: [email protected]
P: 506.444.8820
Our Community Planning and Infrastructure Service Offerings
Related Projects
Asset Management
- Preparing and updating of Municipal Asset Management Plans
- Training and strategy development, including development of asset inventories and condition assessments
Community Planning
- Comprehensive Community Plans (e.g., Official Plans, Municipal Plans, Secondary Plans)
- Zoning By-laws
- Housing studies
- Development process support and enhancement
- Land Use Plans
- Employment Lands Studies
- Planning Advisory Services for Government
- Urban design projects, including:
- Parks planning
- Conceptual streetscape design
- Urban design policy and guidelines
- Waterfront planning
- Sustainability and resiliency planning, including:
- Climate change adaptation projects
- Community energy plans
- Circular economy studies
- Community and stakeholder engagement strategies
- Programming and facilitation
Drainage and Climate
- Planning and design of stormwater collection systems, culverts, and stormwater management facilities
- Flood mapping and coastal flood risk assessments, restoration/reinforcement of flood protection infrastructure for climate change
Integrated Mobility
- Multi-modal transportation systems planning
- Network plans
- Modelling and forecasting
- Transportation guidelines and policy
- Operational traffic studies (e.g., traffic calming studies, parking studies)
- Active transportation plans
- Traffic impact studies
- Transit master plans
- Rural transit studies
- Corridor functional studies
- Green fleet and EV/AV strategies
Linear Infrastructure
- Water, sewer, and storm sewer linear utility infrastructure (new and renewals)
- Reservoir inspections, structural and coating rehabilitation and design of new potable water storage facilities
Public Space Design
- Detailed design of exterior, outdoor public spaces including, but not limited to:
- Parks
- Recreation trails
- Paths
- Sidewalks
- Plazas
- Waterfronts
- Beautification projects
- Municipal parking lots
Treatment and Pumping Infrastructure
- Planning and design of water supplies, sewer, treatment facilities, and pumping facilities