Forwell-Waterloop Multi-Use Trail – Waterloo, ON
Dillon was retained by the City of Waterloo to complete the detailed design, tender package, and contract administration for a new Forwell-Waterloop Multi-UseTrail; one of the last segments of the Waterloop trail system, serving pedestrians and cyclists with a strategic off-road trail network that provides links to employment areas, Conestoga Mall, parks, community centre, and residential communities.
The trail runs adjacent to Forwell Creek and the Grand River Conservation Authority’s regulatory 25 years hydraulic floodway limit, two regional arterial roads, off-ramp to a Ministry of Transportation Ontario expressway, light industrial lands to the north, and hotel site with an agricultural lot to the south that will see future redevelopment.
The 3.5 metre (m) multi-use lit trail included features such as lookouts to the creek, rest areas with benches, integrated public art, gateways, screening, ecological restoration and shade planting, and wayfinding. A conceptual plan was developed to illustrate the trail alignment with a buffer between the developable limit, the future site redevelopment to the south, lookouts, seating, planting, tree lighting, along with precedents for screening, public art integration, lighting, and gateway design.

The City engaged Dillon to develop detailed design drawings, coordinate permits and approvals and provide additional coordination with stakeholders and Regional utility work along Weber Street. The proposed ~515 m long trail has been a long anticipated amenity for the City. It provides a much needed pedestrian and bike connection between Conestoga Mall and its associated LRT stop with Albert McCormick Community Centre, the Laurel trail, and the greater Lakeshore neighbourhood. Detailed design drawings and a final tender package were developed and Dillon provided contract administration services.
Project Details
Project Partner: City of Waterloo
Business Unit: Community Planning & Infrastructure
Service Offering: Parks and Public Spaces