Waste Management

Dillon works with our clients to develop long-term waste management strategies which are increasingly placing an emphasis on diverting waste from disposal.

Founded on the concept of a circular economy, modern waste management programs and methods include initiatives to encourage waste reduction, realize re-use opportunities, optimize material re-introduction, recover energy, provide safe management of residual waste, and make sure that initiatives are supported by effective policies and regulations.

With more than 50 years of service throughout Canada and internationally, Dillon offers the experience, in-house technical capability, and industry knowledge to deliver progressive and sustainable solid waste management solutions.

Aerial view of the Trail Waste Facility

Key Contact

Jeannie Bertrand
E: [email protected]
P: 403.215.8880

Our Waste Management Service Offerings

Related Projects

Advisory Services
  • Solid Waste Master Plans
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Zero Waste Plans
  • Waste reduction or diversion strategies
  • Waste audits
  • Data visualization
  • Data modeling
  • Environmental approvals and permitting
  • Solid waste due diligence asset assessments
Waste Disposal Facility Design and Operations
  • Solid waste disposal facility design and construction, including landfills and transfer facilities
  • Supporting design for landfill gas and leachate management and collection systems
  • Landfill closures
  • Closure plans
  • Operations plans
  • Operator training programs
  • Solid waste facility environmental monitoring programs
Closed Loop Material Management Services
  • Material Flow analysis
  • Circular strategies
  • Circular economy roadmapping
  • Change management
  • Resource flow baselining
  • Circular ecosystem scans
  • Circular economy best practice research
  • Scenario planning
  • Hotspot mapping
  • Governance support related to circular programming