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Moose Hide Campaign Day 2022

Eleven years ago a small group of men and boys gathered together to stand up against the violence that women and children face. Now, their mission has expanded to include thousands of participants each year, from all across Canada, challenging men, boys, and all Canadians to stand up against violence towards women and children.

May 12, 2022, was named Moose Hide Campaign Day, where all Canadians were invited to a day of ceremony and to take a stand against violence towards women and children. Canadians were also invited to fast together from sunrise to sunset, to strengthen the ceremonial experience so that a safe community may be created for all women and children Over 400,000 people across Turtle Island participated in this year’s Moose Hide Campaign Day.

The event was live-streamed from Victoria, British Columbia so that people from across the country may tune in virtually or attend ceremonial events in person. The event also hosted workshops to educate attendees on Indigenous experiences from traditional knowledge keepers and facilitators. 

People in Dillon offices across the country wore the Moose Hide pin to spark conversations about the campaign goals, took a pledge, did a fast from sunrise to sunset, and tuned into the live stream to listen and learn from Indigenous knowledge keepers and facilitators. 

Dillon Consulting Limited stands in solidarity with Indigenous communities not only on Moose Hide Campaign Day but every day of the year. 

To learn more about the event, as well as how you can support the cause, please click here.

For a recap of this year’s event, watch by clicking here