
Willband Creek Integrated Watershed Management Plan (ISMP) – Abbotsford, BC

An integrated watershed management plan is a multidisciplinary approach to stormwater management at a watershed level. It involves the integration of engineering, planning, and environmental disciplines to allow for the continuation of development while protecting habitat to the greatest extent possible. Dillon provided environmental support to the engineering and planning consultant team for this City of Abbotsford project.

Initially, a review of available background information specific to habitat supported within the Willband Creek watershed was conducted. This allowed our team to identify habitat at a high level and develop a focused field program to assess habitat values for both terrestrial habitat (primarily intact forested areas) and aquatic habitat (numerous creeks and wetlands that are tributaries to Willband Creek). Assessed terrestrial values included present vegetation species and invasive species, wildlife potential, and a determination of the presence of species at risk. The aquatic component assessed the various channels’ morphology, substrate type, habitat complexity, and stream-side vegetation composition. As a component of the aquatic assessment, water quality samples were collected and a detailed assessment of two representative creek reaches were completed including confirmation of fish presence. The collection of benthic invertebrates and the determination of their composition was also completed.

Person measuring aquatic species and recording data
Measuring fish from Willband Creek
Looking upstream on Willband Creek near transfer station access
Two fish being measured from Willband Creek
Person collecting  aquatic specimens with net from Willband Creek
Measuring eel from Willband Creek

Our team prepared a report based on the background information review and field assessment. It detailed habitat conditions, constraints to development, potential habitat enhancements/improvements, and the anticipated environmental permitting regime required to allow development to proceed in the area.

Project Details

Project Partner: City of Abbotsford
Business Unit: Environmental Management
Service Offering: Environmental Permitting and Approvals