
Ridgetown-Highgate Watermain and Pumping Station – Chatham-Kent, ON

Dillon was retained by the Municipality of Chatham-Kent to provide engineering services during design preparation, tender, construction and post construction stages of the 10 km long, 200 mm diameter Ridgetown to Highgate watermain and 320 m3 capacity ground reservoir, control building, booster pump station and treatment building at Highgate.

The Community of Highgate in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent was serviced by an existing well water supply and treatment system (two wells) and the Public Utilities Commission (CKPUC) wanted to abandon this system and connect to a bigger water treatment system in the Community of Ridgetown. The project involved the following components:

  • A 9 km transmission watermain from Ridgetown to Highgate including isolation valves, fire hydrants (for filling purposes only), no private service connections along the route.
  • System hydraulics were designed based on hydraulic grade line along the watermain from the point of connection in Ridgetown to the reservoir and pumping site in Highgate. Transient analysis was also completed and air release valves were installed at selected points to release accumulated air and maintain the optimum hydraulic diamter of the pipe.
  • The Reservoir and Pumping Station was designed with a total capacity of 320 m3. The reservoir has two cells and the fill and discharge piping were configured to provide tank mixing. The system includes pressure and flow control systems, distribution system pumps, emergency pumps, sodium hypochlorite dosing, back-up power, PLC controller, SCADA, VFD’s, chlorine analyzers.
  • Once the new system was operational the two wells were abandoned. The existing equipment and well casings were removed from the wells and the annular spaces filled with grout. All infrastructure related to the wells was removed from the site including watermains, electrical conduits and concrete structures.

Project Details

Project Partner: Municipality of Chatham-Kent
Business Unit: Community Planning and Infrastructure
Service Offering: Treatment and Pumping Infrastructure