Eglinton Crosstown West Extension – Toronto, ON
As Technical Advisor (TA) to Infrastructure Ontario and Metrolinx and part of the Arup TA Team, Dillon provided environmental, permits, licenses, and approvals (PLA), and stakeholder engagement services in support of the Eglinton Crosstown West Extension (ECWE) light rail transit/subway project in Toronto.
Environmental services provided included a technical review of the June 2020 Environmental Project Report (EPR) Addendum and completion of the following:
- Species at Risk (SAR) bat leaf-off surveys;
- Preliminary Ecological Land Classification (ELC) and wildlife habitat assessment of the Humber River valley;
- Humber River Aquatic Habitat Assessment and Preliminary Impact Assessment;
- Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment of the Renforth site;
- Heritage Impact Assessment of the Scotia Bank building at 1151 Weston Road; and
- Existing groundwater well monitoring.

Detailed environmental surveys and studies were also undertaken to conduct impact assessments and develop site-specific environmental impact mitigation and monitoring measures for implementation during construction and operations. These surveys and studies included:
- SAR field surveys to maintain compliance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA);
- Final ELC and Wildlife Habitat Assessment;
- 3-season Botanical Assessment;
- Tree Inventory and Arborist Report;
- Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment;
- Heritage Impact Assessment of the Mary Reid House at 4200 Eglinton Ave;
- Cultural Heritage Evaluation of Eglinton Flats Park;
- Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment;
- Environmental Characterization (Soil and Groundwater Quality Baseline) Report;
- Additional Geotechnical Investigation groundwater well monitoring; and
- Hydrogeology Assessment.
A PLA Plan was prepared and PLA services were provided to facilitate coordination efforts with municipal, provincial, and federal authorities having jurisdiction, in order to expedite regulatory permits and approvals required for the ECWE. Dillon led consultation with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) for the Geotechnical Investigation and the TRCA Voluntary Project Review.
A Stakeholder Engagement Plan was prepared and consultation and engagement services were provided to support public, government, and authorities having jurisdiction, consultation, and engagement activities and events. This included tracking of issues and concerns raised and commitments made to stakeholders. Our team also supported Metrolinx with virtual public engagement events to facilitate community engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Project Details
Project Partner: Metrolinx
Business Unit: Transportation
Service Offering: Transit