Julie DiCicco
Environmental Engineer - Saint John
Julie is a Professional Engineer with a Master in Applied Sciences focusing on water treatment technologies, with experience in Indigenous consultation, project management, climate change vulnerability assessments, and asset management. She is experienced in water and wastewater system design, including coordination of condition assessments for municipal infrastructure. Julie lead an Asset Management Program in New Brunswick, which included working with a number of small to medium-sized communities to develop individual Asset Management Plans tailored to the needs of each community.
In 2016, Julie completed a climate change vulnerability assessment for infrastructure components within a First Nations community using a proprietary tool applied for the first time at a community scale. From this work, Julie has continued to deliver climate change related projects to Indigenous communities and institutions throughout New Brunswick. Julie is passionate about delivering projects that impact the lives of Indigenous people, specifically through climate change resiliency/ awareness, securing housing funding, housing management initiatives, and economic development.