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ACEC Manitoba 2022 Awards of Excellence

The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies-Manitoba (ACEC-MB) hosted the 2022 Awards of Excellence. Several Dillon Consulting employees were in attendance at the event on April 12, 2022.

At the awards, Ron Weatherburn and Katrine Levesque were awarded the ACEC – Manitoba: Award of Merit (Transportation Category) for their CACI Roadworks and the New Bridge on PTH 16 over the Assiniboine River.

The Bridge serves as a vital link between Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Western Canada as a strategic east-west route and an alternate shipping route to the Trans-Canada Highway, conveying over 1,600 vehicles per day. 

The old PTH 16 is on the National Highway System and due to its poor condition, the closure of the current bridge would create increased user costs and have a significant impact on economic enablement restricting the national movement of people, goods and services. This was the first Contract Administration and Construction Inspection (CACI) project for both bridge and road construction issued by Manitoba Infrastructure to an Engineering Service Provider (ESP).

The new three-span bridge was built parallel to the existing alignment at a length of 98.0 metres (m) and width of 12.0 m. The bridge consisted of continuous concrete NU girders, was founded on steel H-piles with cast-in-place concrete semi-integral abutments and a cast-in-place concrete bridge deck with a waterproofing system and an asphalt overlay. In order to tie in the existing roadworks with the new bridge, the project also consisted of approximately 1.8 km of approach roadworks through the Assiniboine River valley.

Dillon employee Steven Goldstine was this year’s recipient of the 2022 Rising Star Award. This honor is presented to an individual to recognize their exceptional achievements in the early years of a person’s career. 

Thank you for proudly representing Dillon Consulting Limited and Congratulations to all.