News & Insights

Dillon’s Student Debt Repayment Plan

Over the past year, Dillon has heard from employees that rising cost of living expenses are impacting their financial well being and, as a result,  how they approach their finances. We have learned that retirement planning is not a luxury, nor priority, for all staff. We’re proud and excited to announce a new Student Debt Repayment Program! This new option within the Dillon benefits program focuses on employee financial wellness, and allows employees struggling to address student debt the ability to receive the help that they need.

“Each generation faces unique challenges and after over 75 years of operation Dillon has learned to adapt and address each emerging challenge.  The Student Debt Repayment program is just the latest in a long line of advantages of working at Dillon and complements our recently enhanced benefits, flexible work policies, and commitment to sustainable growth and employee ownership.” 

Shayne Giles, President, Dillon Consulting

Listening to our employees, we have learned that the stress that student loans can cause impacts overall well being. We’re confident that this new option within our benefits package will empower future and current employees to gain control of their finances and will help to create an environment where they can continuously develop. Here’s what a few of our employees have to say about the program in action:

“Student debt can be scary. I feel anxious whenever I think about saving for a car or a house while I still have thousands of dollars in student debt that I’m struggling to stay on top of. With Dillon’s help through this initiative, I can pay off my debt much quicker, save on the cost of borrowing, and start feeling comfortable putting money away for a house, retirement, etc. Kudos to Dillon for moving forward with this initiative.”

Nick, Mechanical Technologist

“Dillon’s Student Debt Repayment Plan has shown me that I work for an innovative company which listens to their younger generation of employees and cares about the issues they face. This program is going to help me pay off my student loans within the next year, which will, in turn, let me work toward other financial goals in the near future as well.” 

Jodi, Planner

“I think [the Student Debt Repayment Program] is great! It is flexible and allows you to direct your DPSP/RRSP amounts towards your student loans. I was in school for 7 years and have accumulated student loans that I would like to pay off as fast as possible so I can work towards purchasing a house in the near future. My student loan repayment time is forecasted to be reduced by half because of this program. With the DPSP amount contributed by Dillon, it is now going towards something of higher priority for me as a young professional recently graduated.” 

Jaysen, Urban Designer