Glass ball reflecting the scenery behind it

From Concept to Impact

As cities and regions strive towards sustainability and plan for low carbon transitions, many become increasingly interested in the concept of a circular economy.

Dump truck driving on road

On-Site and Excess Soil Regulation

On December 4, 2019 the government of Ontario announced that it has finalized and is implementing the On-Site and Excess Soil Regulation&...

person wearing VR equipment

Dillon and “The Wild” Share 3D Models

Working with The Wild, Dillon is able to bring 3D models to life with virtual reality. Using the portable Oculus Quest hardware, The Wild brings mu...

Fish under water

Fisheries Act | Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Program

On June 21st, 2019 the new Fisheries Act received royal assent and became law. On August 28th, 2019 Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) updated their...

Blandings Turtle_350px

Proposed Changes to Ontario’s Endangered Species Act, 2007

As of April 1, 2019 the administration of the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA) transitioned responsibility from the Ministry of Natural Resources...

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