Asset Management Plans (AMPs) assist communities in anticipating infrastructure rehabilitation and repair expenses to optimize the expenditure of those funds. Through planning, communities are able to set aside adequate financial reserves to ensure the short- and long-term sustainability of their assets. 

The first step in implementing an AMP is to develop a central inventory and condition assessment database, with physical locations of assets identified on GIS maps linked to the database for easy access and display of detailed asset information. Dillon provided a pilot study for the Manitoba Water Services Board to assist 23 communities in implementing AMPs for their water and wastewater infrastructure.

Dillon compiled information from communities’ pre-existing files such as valuations from the Public Sector Accounting Board reports, as-built drawings and maps of current sewer and water networks and by visiting communities to document and assess their “point” assets.

Based on the information collected, Dillon used deterioration curves to adjust estimates of remaining service life. Projections were made for optimal timing of expenditures in order to rehabilitate deteriorating assets before their condition declines to the point where complete reconstruction is required. This decision support system can be used to develop capital improvement plans and review the effect of different levels of funding required to maintain performance of the assets.

Project Details

Project Partner: Manitoba Water Services Board

Project Photos

  • Manitoba Asset Management Implementation Project 2
  • Manitoba Asset Management Implementation Project 4
  • Manitoba Asset Management Implementation Project 1