Beth Cowan and Dana Thomsen at EnviroTech

Beth Cowan and Dana Thomsen presented at EnviroTech held on April 23-25 in Calgary, Alberta.

Beth Cowan's presentation "Remote and Northern Challenges associated with Implementing a Large-Scale Groundwater Monitoring Program across the Northwest Territories" focused on environmental support Dillon provided to 15 remote communities in the Northwest Territories. The planning and process of drilling, installation of monitoring wells and sampling of groundwater across the Northwest Territories presented multiple logistical and technical challenges throughout the program given access, seasonality, and resource limitations in remote communities.  Dillon’s team of technical experts and local community staff worked to find solutions to the challenges presented. Access to site, depth to permafrost and bedrock, ground conditions, and access to aquifers varied across the Territory and presented individual sets of challenges.

Dana Thomsen's presentation "Increasing efficiency through implementing field technologies in a 93 Lot Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in Northern Alberta" focused on a Phase I ESA of 93 lots in a remote First Nation community in northern Alberta. The variety of land uses and the number of lots to be investigated proposed both logistical and technical challenges. Dillon developed a methodology using pre-programmed tablets, creating opportunities for cost-savings through economies of scale and the implementation of field technologies for increased efficiency. 

Beth Cowan is a geologist with a broad background in the environmental sciences and planning disciplines, her technical expertise includes landscape characterization, coastal change, Environmental Site Assessments, environmental site monitoring, and permits and licencing.

Dana Thomsen is a geologist-in-training with technical experience in geochemical data analysis and environmental field work. She has worked on multiple Phase I, II and III Environmental Site Assessments, environmental monitoring programs, risk and remediation projects and waste management programs.
