Nov 9, 2021

As cities and regions strive towards sustainability and plan for low carbon transitions, many become increasingly interested in the concept of a circular economy.

A circular economy is an alternative to a traditional linear economy (make, use, dispose). It is a model in which we keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from these resources while in use, and then recover and regenerate products, components, materials and nutrients. In doing so, economic value creation relies on existing or renewable resources, decoupling economic growth from the use of finite natural resources and the generation of waste and emissions. At the same time, the cultural and social changes required to nurture a circular economy align with values such as resilience, innovation, inclusion and health.

With its promise of economic, social and environmental benefits, the vision of a circular economy is appealing. However, it may be challenging to know where to start bringing the vision to life. What questions should local government and community leaders ask when building their circular communities? Dillon developed a white paper aimed at local governments, either municipal, regional, or other, interested in building a circular economy, presenting a framework that may guide them on their journey.

Download: From Concept to Impact: The circular economy development journey for cities and regions;  A way to design, develop and grow a circular economy in cities, regions and communities

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