Dillon Presents at 2017 World Design Summit

Dillon presents at the World Design Summit, October 16-25 in Montreal, Quebec. The summit and expo focuses on the intersection of key design disciplines including architecture, graphic design, interior design, industrial design, landscape architecture and urban planning. It will be a celebration of innovation and creativity that looks forward to solving critical challenges through design now and into the future.

Kiran Chhiba and Sabrina Stanlake-Wong will present “My Dundas Place – People First Design”, a transformational project for advancing public realm in downtown London, Ontario. Eha Naylor will present “Pushing the Limits – Transformational Transportation Infrastructure” and the design of the Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway as an integrated urban, landscape and ecological success.

Rendering pictured at left is Dundas Place and at right is Rt. Hon Herb Gray Parkway.

Dundas Place rendering (right) and Herb Gray Parkway rendering (left)